Competence test WMK D3 POLTERA 2022/2023

Competency Certification for Implementing Electric and Electronic Outfitting Inspection in 2022, Diploma 3 Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program, Madura State Polytechnic, was held on November 17, 2022, before carrying out Competency Certification, 46 D3 Industrial Electrical Engineering students received briefing for two days on November 15-16 2022 using zoom meetings which include:
  • Checking Cable Installation and Connection
  • Performing Insulation Resistance Test (Megger Test)
  • Performing Inspection and Testing of Main Lighting and Emergency Lighting
  • Perform Inspection and Testing of Navigation Lights
  • Performing BCC (Bridge Control Console) Equipment Checks and Tests
  • Performing Examination and Testing
  • ECC Equipment (Engine Control Console)
  • Performing Inspection and Testing of Navigation Equipment
  • Performing Inspection and Testing of Communication Equipment.

On Thursday, 17 November 2022, from 07:00 to 09:15 D3 and D4 students in Ship Electrical Engineering, Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic, and D3 Industrial Electrical Engineering Students from Madura State Polytechnic, took a Writing Test simultaneously at the Surabaya State Shipping Polytechnic in the Theater Room. P-206.

After taking the Written Test, D3 Industrial Electrical Engineering Students carry out a Demonstration Test on Saturday, November 18, 2022, at 09:00 until finished, after completing the Test given, D3 Industrial Electrical Engineering Students will conduct interviews with their respective Assessor Lecturers and must be declared competent in carrying out the Electric and Electronic Outfitting Inspection in 2022, in the Demonstration Test there were five Assessor Lecturers, namely:
  • Mr. Hendro Agus Widodo., S.ST., M.T.
  • Mr. Lilik Subiyanto, S.T., M.T.
  • Mrs. Purwidi Asri, S.ST., M.T.
  • Mr. Dwi Sasmita Aji Pambudi, S.T., M.T.
  • Mr. Anggara Trisna Nugraha, S.T., M.T.
So many series of Competency Certification Executors of Electric and Electronic Outfitting Inspection in 2022, D3 Industrial Electrical Engineering Study Program, Madura State Polytechnic.